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Fraud and corruption happens all the time and is arguably one of the greatest unmanaged costs in organisations and society today. Yet most employees and managers have little practical training in this area. Our goal is to significantly raise awareness of fraud and corruption and its consequences. We assist and advise organisations, companies and everyone else concerned by:

  • Understanding where and how fraud and corruption occurs by applying our "Think Like a Thief" (TLAT) methodology

  • Finding fraud early so that it can be dealt with efficiently

  • Carrying out investigations  in an efficient, responsible and cost-beneficial manner

  • Analysing the root causes of incidents to identify improvement opportunities

  • Providing (through practical workshops, training and other innovative techniques) the skills to turn what looks like "bad news" into an opportunity to save costs and put money to better use (see Knowledge & Training)

  • Assessing and measuring the effectiveness, strengths and weaknesses of existing anti-fraud and corruption programmes

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